2012年6月20日 星期三

2007 五十凳 The ideal 50 Benches / 參展作品介紹

咚咚 鏹…!
因 為是長板凳,所以直覺想到廟口景象,老人泡茶、聊天下棋、廟會、拜拜、等等。這把椅子概念的成形並非靈光一現,而是希望在原始的板凳中加入人的記憶,板凳 本身就已有記憶,所以只能讓它加深記憶。在設計上給它個椅背如同大榕樹下的躺椅,聊天、下棋、嗑瓜子的一把椅子,但在設計的過程中卻必須多生出了兩隻腳, 變成六腳板凳‥。原本對於多出來的兩隻腳還感到頭痛,但在無意間反過來看時,越看它就越像隻動物,於是聯想到踩著板凳跳來跳去的舞龍舞獅,還覺得有點好笑 滑稽;既然如此就乾脆給它披上一件獅子披風,就變成了這副滑稽模樣。披著獅皮的板凳‥!因此賦予了這椅子自己的生命,且更親近了我的記憶。

Dong dong chiang
Bench, reminds me of the scene of the Taoism temple,the seniors gathering around the temple, having tea together,chatting, playing chess, and there are fairs sometimes. It is not a sudden idea. The bench has its own memory,and I want to strengthen the memory. Giving it a piece of back as a deck chair, which we usually have under a tree for taking rest, chatting or commerce with friends. During the design process, to support the structure,two extra legs come out. It bothered me a lot.Once when I turned over the bench, I found it looked like an animal, and associated it with lion dance.It is interesting and funny; therefore I gave it one more cloak with Taiwanese floral pattern. A bench with floral lion cloak! The bench has its own life now, and it is closer to my memory too.

以 靜物記錄人的活動。當純白的板凳被啟用,使用者如同在白色的宣紙上作畫,即開始了此物的創造過程。經年累月的使用造成局部的磨損,每張板凳以獨特的花紋顯 現互動的線索。似指紋與木紋,人的活動經過時間創造獨一無二的「人紋」。磨損的過程許漫長,但如赤壁賦所述:「蓋將自其變者而觀之,而天地曾不能一瞬;自 其不變者而觀之,則物于我皆無盡也。」板凳數十年的使用年限,當磨損殆盡,復回歸白色胚體。

Moving still:A continuous record of motion
The state of the bench reflects the motion of its users in a continuous process of interaction. The bench starts out as white. From the moment they begin to use it, its users participate in a creative process as if painting on a piece of paper. As time goes by, everyday use causes patterns to appear on the bench from scratches and natural wear. The pattern of each bench provides clues of its history of use and forms a unique "user"print, similar to a finger print or wood grain.

俗 稱的椅條在老一輩的記憶感受層次裡已被歸納為一種自然的物件,順應著人的思想而改變使用型態。沒有靠背和扶手的設計加上適當允許跨坐的寬度似乎就隱含著這 些可以為所欲為的暗示,這或許是板凳的隱性與隨性。保留板凳的尺寸是本設計的基本概念,並透過線條的位移延伸來抓出屬於現代的感覺。

Lighting bench object
The so called Chinese traditional bench, or the [ben-deng], was categorized as a natural object in the memory of the previous generation. It is gradually changing its usage by people's wisdom, and the material from the Bleech makes the chair sturdy and lightweight for better endurance and protability. The designs of no back, no arm rest and the width for easy to spraddling imply the attitude and degrees of freedom the chair could offer. This re-design project, 火凳, keeps the size of the original [ben-deng]. It has been created with a touch of contemporary styling through the modern straight lines and symbols.

板 凳對我來說是一個留下許多空白的物件,這個空白代表著不同的使用反應,反應出不同的屬於台灣早期屬於坐的一種文化。它的留白還可以跟方桌搭配,而成為吃的 文化,這些存在不同面向的可能性,是我所謂留白空間的特殊情感,這個情感從坐而衍伸出來的行為;如在板凳上對坐下棋便是其中一種表現。

Go bench
The "Go" bench has a "go" board fused into its main structure. Drawers for storing the "go" pieces are placed directly under the board. The past time of playing the game "go" complimented the original historical use of the classic Chinese bench as a source of relaxation and passing the time. The "go" board is made by a CNC machine and its main structure has been constructed by a master carpenter.

Untitled 5

Untitled 5
With two traditional-patterned pottery plates on the top of the bench, I try to make it like an antique to remind us the beauty of Taiwanese temples. Otherwise I put a little drawer under the bench for people who might like to have different uses besides sitting.

Bring a natural piece
Bring a natural piece,如題,讓住家沒有庭院也不住公園附近的都市人,能隨時享受自己的一片綠地。延續長凳的精神,在材質的選擇上,除了原有的木頭,採用帶有香氣的 草皮做搭配。因為回想人們或坐或站或跑或跳,最貼近人們的是綠地。所以融合兩者,為生活空間注入更多的自然元素,使用上也不擔心下雨之後的草皮有著潮濕的 泥濘。

Bring a natural piece
People used to take wood to be their furniture because of material is easy to get in the past. If bench happens in today it might be interpreted in different material. So I think it's also a concept to bring a natural piece in your every day life. For continued the bench spirit, I choose the material which most closes to people's life except wood then I think it is grass. We can imagine that people sit to read a book or talk with friends, dog chases the ball or kids ride a bicycle or play baseball on the grass. The concept I want to show is people can have their own green land even they are not living near park or having no lawn in their home.

回 憶起小時候‥,星期六、日總會搬動著板凳、背著書包,坐在庭院中看書。板凳也因此成為我的書桌,桌上滿滿的書本與文具,找不到多餘的使用空間,一人一張板 凳,看著書。依太陽的照射角度變換著閱讀的位置,直到太陽西下,才收起板凳。當搬動著厚實的板凳,總是這麼的費力,總幻想著加裝輪子,可以不受限制的至庭 院中的任一角落,花園中、大樹下、河岸邊、‥,閱讀環境可有所選擇。

Traveling bench
It was my childhood memory, we move a bench, grabbed our backpack, and read in the courtyard on sunny afternoons. It was a time when, every kid has their personalized reading benches,my bench was then my reading desk, covered with books and pencils... In a time of my life when wooden bench was heavy, I dreamed of a mobile reading bench, so I could read in the garden, under the tree, by the riverside or everywhere in our courtyard... Now is the time when I can actually make things, I make the bench in solid wood with mortise and tenon, As a resonance to my childhood. And a fulfillment of my early reams.


My feet swung from the old bench, when I was a kid. It's not just "Bench" when we find the scale between kids and it. It may be a table, a desk or a cockpit where a dinosaur fights with a robot. Welcome to relive the experience of "When a Little boy/girl meets a Big Bench". Let "Bench" be our new friends to "Grow up" with us.


The foundation of Taiwan is laid on agriculture; therefore the agricultural iron tools were important in former days. The traditional iron forging handmade crafts are applied to the structure. And the form of bench is from the image of hoe. "Root" tries to link the emotion of people and the homeland, and remind people of keeping practical, honest and cherish our homeland just like people of former times.


關 係可否量化?數據可否質化?在過往,答案似乎肯定。18台吋代表大吉、62台吋可以添丁,尺度代表著某種涵義,或許是個迷信、也或許箇中有理。如果人與人 的關係也可劃為數據,凸顯了之間的距離,就會驚覺到彼此的關係。觀察到,人與人之間總會保持著某種距離,而距離的遠近關連到彼此的角色關係。商場的同事、 要好的朋友、親密的情人、嘔氣中的情人,每種關係所顯露的距離皆有所不同。而相較於椅子的強迫隔離,長板凳是種延伸無間隔的架構,每人間的距離控制在個人 的意願之下,甚至是種潛意識下的表現。設計的切入點,即為以刻度的特徵凸顯彼此的距離感,或許當你不經意的發現了之間刻度的存在,才會驚覺到彼此之間所處 的關係為何。

The relationship of quantification
Can relationship be quantitative? Can data be qualitative? In the past, the answer seemed to be "YES". In Taiwan, the measuring number of 18-inch means to have good luck, and 62-inch means to have more new born boys for the family. The number of the length represents some kind of implications, it may like the superstitious, or it can really implicate something. If the interaction
between peoples can be recorded in data, hence that may significantly manifest the gap between peoples, and they will be amazed by the mutual relationship. It is observed that there seemed to have some kind of distances between peoples. The length of the distances could relate to the roles that peoples played to each other. Colleagues at work, good friends, intimate lovers, fighting lovers, the distance between different relationships are totally distinct from each other. In comparison with the compulsive isolations with chairs, the long bench is the extension of no-gap framework. The distance control could depend on individual willingness, and it is also the representation of a certain kind of subconsciousness. The entering point of the design is to significantly reveal the sensation of distance with scales. However, when you unconsciously realize the presence of scales, you will be amazed by the real meaning of the relationship between each other.


Lattice chair
The relationship between Chinese classical furniture and Chinese traditional buildings is very close.
The classical furniture is often a condensation of the whole building. Lattice Chair took the image of window mullion structure, which is a very beautiful and important part in traditional wood building, and made an exquisite joggled joint in the connecting place of chair feet. With new material and simplified form, Lattice Chair has made a brand new interpretation of beauty of the traditional crafts.

若 從未見過漂亮知名的家具,你會如何完成設計?台中一位木工師傅專用回收匾額做成家具,充滿著創意方式、熟練的技能、豐富的經驗,以及連我們都缺乏的資源再 生的觀念,創造新價值!他的技藝宛如「妙手回春」!而設計的價值不正是「妙手回春」!我們自以為是地不斷設計創造新事物,然而比較起那些為他人犧牲奉獻的 工作,設計工作實在微不足道,是我們任性妄為的喜樂工作。因此,我們更應以對於他人及環境都有利的方式來進行設計。「妙手回春」用傳統製作家具的方式上漆 與金筆裝飾,是傳統的現代家具,代表對於設計這件事的詮釋,隱喻著對設計工作的潛在看法,也希望表達出一點點的省思。提醒著自己在設計時多為生活的環境著 想(特別是我正在製造汽車),提醒自己的工作恣意妄為而且沽名釣譽,然而當我把它擺在大家面前時,卻又只會讓人指指點點‥只會讓你看笑話‥這一切是你我所 期盼的嗎?
Miao shou hui chun
In Taichung, a carpenter has the knowledge of recycling discarded inscribed-board. He makes new furnishing out of these material that transcends essences of design. Being original, skillful, experienced and environmentally consciousness are the main elements here; although the designer might be short of recycling consciousness, origin, skill or experience. What designers may have thought to be great or valuable could actually be discounted by the general public's hand. These creations that come out of these thoughts could easily be seen as unimportant objects only to be laughed upon. This creation envelopes such a thought.

這 是兩個記憶符號的結合,試圖喚起我們對於舊有事物的認同感,我想做一張板凳詮釋出她的默默耕耘與付出。洗衣板是最接近的記憶符碼,是板凳的所指 (signified),自身也可視為一個能指 (signifier),喻意著辛勞與奉獻,喻意著一種家庭甚至母愛的象徵。板凳在歷史痕跡上扮演者多用途的家具,我相信她存在的成分,自於充滿記憶的家 庭關係。

Washing board 
This project pursuit integration of two symbols that which recalls our identification with old house-wares in the past. Bench is a versatile furnishing in the history. I believe that bench has the elements of home. I want to design a bench which shows the subtleness of motherly love. I think washing board has this quality. Washing board is the signified but also the signifier. It represents the family relationship, its caring, mother's loving and forgiving.


五 歲.距離現在已經25年了,但是這些時期的記憶卻是會深藏在你的心理,直到某個時刻又會被再度的喚醒。我爸媽直到現在仍然常說:五歲的時候,你最愛拿著小 板凳到我們家旁的樹下和那些老人家下棋,輸了還會回家問你老爸問題。於是乎一想到要重新設計一個板凳,這幕的場景就不由自主的浮現上腦海!設計應該要表現 出個人的生活經驗和特質。我是個出生在嘉義鄉下的小孩子,而這次,我用我的兒時記憶來詮釋這個歷史悠久的發明物。

It's all about joy and innocent memories when I was five. My mother always said that I was not a   boy but a wired little young man who like to play Chinese chess with the elders under the tree, on a skinny old bench. Even though I am way from the childhood, I can't help wonder, what kind of bench would it be, if I do have a perfect model of my own? There it is! The grand pa next door, making his next move to wipe me out, while the sun is shining, the sparrow is singing, and the leaves keep falling. What a wonderful afternoon! Design should always be about memories, either to create or recall one. I'm from Chiayi, a small town with the Tropic of Capricorn crossing through, I'm giving you my very own bench, to tell you about the stories of a little five-year-old boy.


Stay alone bench
I like to sit on the long side of bench together with my friends, shout, laugh and drink to share our lives. After they go, I rotate it to the short side, turn on music and open my book to enjoy my own fun. I made this bench for my friends and for myself, for my joy and for my peace.

過 去的一千多年,中國人的生活與休閒與凳子的關係非常密切,吃飯、下棋、聊天、打盹可能都發生在凳子上。隨著生活型態的改變,家中的坐具也在改變,不變的 是,它仍然具備多種可能性的樣貌。希望運用現代的設計手法結合傳統的優點,創造可以融入現代生活的新傳統傢俱。運用傳統工藝榫接的優點,坐具更持久耐用以 及安全。藉由傾斜椅面角度可置換椅面為桌面,是桌子也是椅子。

Bench has been essential to Chinese way of living in the old time, people could have meals, play chess, chat, or take naps on it.. As time changes, the styles of chairs may have been transformed, but the nature still remains the same. This project is expected to learn from the past and create a piece of furniture with new spirit which merges into our modern life. Detail / Function: Using traditional tongue-and-groove joint method to enhance durability and safety. Transforming between chair and table simply by adjusting the parts.


Please yourself
After adding three adjustable stools on the bench you can still use it in a variety of ways. The bench has been turned into an interesting object. You can use it as a stool, an armrest, a high chair, a ladder a magazine rack or a tea table. Just use it as you please!

在 中國民間超過千年歷史的長凳,至今在你我生活中仍隨處可見嗎?傳統文化的式微,或許還存些根莖深埋土壤中,惟地表上的枝幹樹葉已被優勢西方文化及地域主體 文化所鏟除殆盡,不復存在,有感而發,遂將傳統板凳埋入水泥中,喻為文化葬送,待其腐蝕殆盡取出,以殘餘部分加工為座椅,承載用途仍在,但傳統價值之式微 令人不勝唏噓。

Chinese bench, a prominent part of Chinese culture and daily life in the past is now scarce. The dominant, global western culture demolishes local ways of living; tradition becomes frail. Thus, inserting a Chinese bench into a concrete block symbolizing the burial of traditions. The bench erodes, removed from the concrete block,the concrete block then becomes the bench. Functions remain, but the decaying tradition is hidden in the void.

 板 凳留給我最深的印象為“苦難中的凝聚與扶持”,所以我以“聚”為主題,在保留板凳原本意象的前提下,轉換成形。又由於本作品用意在於連結人與人之間的情 感,而好的設計則是連結人與產品之間的互動,兩者有異曲同工之妙,故以「橋」為副標題。不論什麼產品,“人”都應該是主角,“設計”只是扮演橋樑的角色, 讓使用者與產品能有順利的溝通。所以,設計應消失,只留下「互動的感動」。本作品以傳統家具工法製作,期望落實文化生根,打開承先啟後的大
門; 並希望藉由此作品傳達凝聚、共生的力量,呈現不同樣貌的生活記憶,繼往開來的設計價值。由於早期的困苦,這個島上的居民有著超強的適應性,加上中國人特有 “知福惜福”的儒家思想,揉合這兩者產生出來的結果:不完美的外表下有著完美的溫暖,成就這“不完美的完美”。這就是我找到的“台灣精神”。

The strongest image of bench for me is "connection", connecting people and people, people and products. And this is also what "design" means to me. So I kept the original image of bench, but developed into a concept to create a space for connection. We can chat with friends, drink tea, or play chess in this space. I tried to put the spirit of Taiwan into this product that called "the perfection of imperfection".


Under the tree
In the torrid summer day, sitting in the shades of trees, the breeze blowing gently, chatting with friends, having tea together, what a lovely day. With this bench, you can enjoy a peaceful and comfortable mood at your own balcony or backyard.

物 資缺乏的年代,長板凳就像‥小叮噹的百寶袋、瑞士的萬用小刀。物資不乏的現在,長板凳的存在,已經不再是百寶袋與萬用小刀‥。利用長板凳下面的空間,轉化 成一個收納空間,板凳面板轉化成一個蓋子組合起來,整體保有長板凳的印象‥。真話介紹:板凳現在誰還想用啊,送我都嫌佔位子,房子已經夠小了,還要擺一張 這麼大的板凳。那‥下面是個收納空間‥您要用嗎?‥那我勉強考慮一下。

Chair-34 is the 34th design of Y.H.Chen's chair series. Chen used solid wood and dyed acrylics to give the bench a harmonized feel between natural and modern. A practical storage space under the seat for storing toys, magazines, personal collection, etc. It would be beneficial to organize and minimize our home space. After all, "Where" is the money.


Why don't you keep me well?
If benches that have existed through all ages can be redesigned into various styles, what about these books that were read by the people who sat on benches? They were cleaned away from secondhand bookstores later, stopped conveying information to people, and did not offer people chances of reading anymore. After this, what posture or look can these books maintain or reveal?


Living stool
Have you ever keep your eye on the status of sit? The concept of original intention is: that you can keep your eye to look around your world in different point of view. Mirrors flash back you and environment, combine stool and condition to animate the object. Difference angles difference view, look around and look your self.Now you are the stool, and the stool can be you.


Sit on the water
Swimming in the water is the fish. Sitting on the chair is the man. I would like to sit on the chair as easy as swimming in the water. Therefore, I made e a chair, made a lucid chair, pretending that I was cutting a piece of water, cutting a piece of clear water. Now, we see the city in the chair, the temple in the chair, the trees, the people, and the scenes all in the water. Sit on the water with the scenes in the chair.

“用 水把凳子弄濕也會有影子?!”有光才會產生影子,這是一般常有的概念,當我們可以用水和混凝土,在乾跟濕之間產生影子的變化,並結合環境中的光影與圖像, 模糊傢俱與空間的界線,在不確定中讓使用者以一種新的視野看待既有的環境並獲得意外的驚喜。“有影無”真正“有影啦”。

Shadow bench
Light makes the shadow. This is the common sense for everyone. But when we can produce the shadow by wetting the concrete, that may be something different. If we can do so, that will confuse people's eyes. And we will feel surprised and discover something unusual between the reality and the illusion, especially when we put the real one and fake one together. The blurring is what this piece of work is trying to say, and that reminds us that we can always have different perspectives of the world. We can start from my little bench.


Concubine Yang's recliner chair
My families were always chatting and making tea altogether in the yard after a whole day's working in my childhood. Holding the wooden bench made of Chinese juniper in arms, I enjoyed listening to their stories till falling asleep, which inspires me to design a chair that people can sit and lie down. Therefore, to create the modern Chinese image which is similar to the Concubine Yang's recliner chair, this is painted white and integrated curving shape with its four legs.


Rice dumpling tree
By one of the Taiwan culture "wrap rice dumpling" to be the origin. By using the concept of planting tree to entend and change the idea. It makes "wrap rice dumpling" to be not an heavy work. You can easily hang and eat rice dumpling during this process. It looks like a flourish rice dumpling tree. Enjoy the fruit.

Sit-up chair
記 憶裡‥‥,阿公的長板凳,阿嬤的嫁妝花布棉被,融合成我的Sit-up chair,現在與過去的結合,古味新時尚,一份代代傳承的心意,一份父母對子女的心意,在這張長板凳上,寫上新生家庭的開始與回憶。Sit-up chair主要有三大功能,調整扶手高度,便可達到椅背、仰臥起坐、枕頭等功能。
Sit-up chair
Memories bring back...grandpa's bench and grandma's print duvet. The inspiration together cultivates the creation of Sit-up chair, a infusing the present and the past, and tingeing the latest fashion with nostalgia. Intentions of passing to the next generations together with feelings
parents have for their offspring are memories etched on the bench and herald the beginning of a newborn family. Sit-up chair has three major functions: chair, sit-up and pillow, all of which can be achieved simply by adjusting the height of handrails.

登 燈凳,在世界都忘記繁體字的同時,用中國傳統文字的博大精深,試圖表達生活中的『物件』與『人』之間的互動性。當中『登;動詞,表人的行為與生活』。『燈 與凳;名詞,乃生活中不可或缺之物』。且整體造型安排上採用(形聲字)的原則,將燈(左形右聲)、凳(上聲下形),做靜態的陳列,待人們登坐其上,即構成 一完整的意涵。坐上有燈的凳享受生活。
I Love traditional Chinese
In a time when the world is forgetting the traditional Chinese characters, my design is trying to strengthen the interaction between "Objects" and "human beings" in a profound and traditional way. In Chinese, Mount, a verb, represents humans' behavior and lives. Light and Stool, nouns, can be the essentials of life. And the figure of my design is formed from the principle of pictophonetic characters. The light and the stool are combined together to create a brand new pictophonetic Chinese word. It also means when people sits on the stool, the sitter completes the significance of my design. And an enjoyable life mounting on a stool with a light can hence begin...


The real meaning of long bench is the substance of internal of physical projection which will be dynamic formed with time, and it will be subsist on particular symbol with every second instead of the form of substance, function or solve problem of "long" "bench". The existence will be forever even the form of substance which is fixed was drew out.



The work was designed based on a concept when benches or any kind of concrete seating devise were not yet in existence. It is a concept derived from our ancestors' natural habit of groundsitting. It adopts the fresh surface of green grass to imply the earth, which gives life to all creatures of the world.

Shape of memory
As the combination of the traditional bench and the round stool, the "Stoolbench" evokes memories of people's past life time and lets people explore the shapes of their own memories...and it becomes part of the new life.

看 著不對稱的支撐桿、粗糙的木板與角條、不精緻的刷漆,這是阿公以前自己釘的板凳。隨性、廢物再利用,這是在那樣的窮苦節儉年代最理所當然的設計。現在的我 看了這樣的椅子,簡便、再利用是我最想延續、傳達的。千年不壞的金屬椅腳有著夾具的功能,搭上路邊撿來的木板就變成一張我要的板凳。長的、短的、方的、圓 的、硬的與軟的,各式各樣身邊的板材,只要簡單的旋緊動作,就能變出長凳、單椅、邊桌或茶几,簡單、多變、隨心所欲最適合現代人的生活模式。這些是我從阿 公那張椅子體會到的,這也是我的板凳取名為“阿公”的原因。
Uneven structure, rough board and painting, those are characteristics of my grandpa's handmade bench. Easy, handmade and reused things were the most reasonable designs in those years of deficiency. According to these, easiness and reuse are what I want to present in my design. Two strong metal stands with grippers, they are the basic structure of my design. Only by gripping an old board which was found along the roadside, my design was accomplished. You can have a bench, a stool, or a coffee table according to gripping a long, short, square, circle, hard, or soft board. Easy but with great variety, these are not only the modern people's life style but also characteristics of my design.This design shows what I learned from my randpa's bench, and that's why I called my design "A-gone" which means "grandpa" in Taiwanese.

Equality?My stool
The concept of this creation is everyone in the dinning table is equal regardless of adult or kid.In old time of Chinese culture the each side of big dinning table has one wooden bench beside for meal together.Developed by this idea the form of stools are some high and some low for combining to form a wood beach. The main reason is follow the time trend change the kids are the little treasured in parents mind. Through the creation of high and low stools let kids are equal high
with the parents for funny meal together.The design of stool foots is adopted copper wire weaved totem with.Follow the time goes by, the copper wire has rusty chemical reaction.
