2012年6月23日 星期六

2010 原力五十 POTENTIAL 50 / 參展作品介紹

Grass lamp
Lamp shades made of Lin grass deliver the irreplaceable scent and warmth from the natural material. 

藺草三角型的橫斷面,巧妙的提供了草體本身支撐的強度與柔軟的韌性,也是與其它草種的最大差異所在,取其三角形的輪廓,搭配多層次的編織手法,再結合「光」,賦予藺編工藝全新的生命。簡約具張力的線條、細膩編織產生的強韌,佐以溫和的情境燈光,揉合現代設計語彙與傳統工藝,能帶來全新的空間氛圍,也盼將編藺人的心意完整傳達。燈光的感染力結合藺編的傳統細膩手路,溫暖了空間的冰冷。環保的LED燈,不會過熱傷害天然的藺草,使用壽命長不需常更換又能提供充足的照明, 已然是未來燈具的趨勢。
The Rush Light 
Rush differentiates itself from other grass species for its triangular cross section which supports its body cleverly. The toughness of the triangular shape inspired the designer. Thus he combined the traditional rush weaving crafts with lighting to create a whole new lighting fixture-The Rush Light.

The Rush Light sports simple yet powerful look and features the toughness of the rush weaving. The ambient light also gives the product a warm feel. The designer integrated the modern design with traditional rush weaving crafts to deliver a unique aesthetic touch for home décor.

隨風啟程,心境福起   台灣的茶為世界的品茗為引,設計為台灣傳統的節慶天燈祝福的寓意,導傳統的紅磚傳承技術,隨台灣環海的幽幽景色,起風而情(心情)心福而請的台灣人情味,設計出此套依地方與人文感受的祈福風程. 系列組。利用紅磚吸水的特性,可以在杯外寫下祈福,水慢慢消失的過程就像是天燈冉冉乘載著願望而去。
Praying for blessings, journeyed with wind
Using the Tea of Taiwan’s proud and the traditional sky lantern, we make the local material-brick combine in our design. You can just write the praying words outside the cups or pot, because of the character of brick the word will disappear slowly, just like we using the traditional sky lantern. As the praying slowly fly upon the sky, our wish will come true.

點 . 滴
一支雨傘,一顆”點 . 滴”,一種屬於空間的器物型塑美學,如水晶般的面體雕塑感,裝飾的是門庭角落,以不同方向的面體對應著不同大小的圓孔,當面體的停駐,回應的是此時此刻的用傘,傘在直覺中,點進紅磚石裡‧‧‧透過磚石的呼吸,吸收著雨傘低落的水滴。
One umbrella, One RAINDROP, together they will create an aesthetic idea for you living style.
Like gleaming, like crystal, it's not only A umbrella holder, but also a door holder that can also decorate your entrance.Each surface on RAINDROP has a hole for supporting the different sizes of umbrella.When a umbrella is in the RAINDROP, together they become a perfect "Geometric Line", and through this Line, the water will go directly into the RAINDROP, A perfect place for Water to stay.

Fortune Bakery
I love the beautiful patterns on the Chinese pastries; they always have good meaning of fortunate and happiness. I want to share the beautiful messages with friends through biscuits, which is easier for me to bake by myself. Pottery and ceramic has strong Chinese Culture image, however they are common material of bakery tools. Biscuits mold with fortunate and happiness meaning patterns, cannot only make delicious biscuits, but also to spread the joyful mood in our life.

The brick wall is like a vase. The plant in the vase is just like a sprout on the wall. The sprout’s flourishing vitality makes the brick wall alive. Life is in its purest form, made of its original material.
A new life begins after the rain...

During rush weaving usually produces a lot of leftover. By using these remaining rush strips although they are no longer long enough for weaving yet by adapting modern design transforms bunch of rush into a perfect equilibrium of simplicity, style and design.

In the early Taiwan a common device used underneath the table legs prevents ants climbing over the table. By applying this all-time wisdom transforms a leg moat into a cup coaster. Let the water droplets from the cup itself run into the trenches carved out from the coaster. It will form a safeguard of river to keep away ants from invading the sweet-toothed drinks on the table.

Brick 4
It's not an easy job to produce a brick. Brick 4 present a brick's life. There are four kinds of it and represent different characters. Namecard stand shows cutting skill,while using Magnets which is like laying bricks. Stamp represent craft of brick and Floral Organ represent the harmony of natural.


Brick Pen
Let’s back to the childhood! In our memories, we always pick up stones and bricks, drawing on the floor and wall and making lots of funny games. We always felt happy while playing those games! Brick Pen is design for looking back our happy memories. Now, let us just bring this Brick Pen, getting out of the cold buildings, and having fun with friends at the outskirts! 


Brick Block
Multi material bricks provide much more creativity for children. We use woods,cement and bricks to let children recognize different materials. With so many materials, they can creat another fantastic world.


藺草的香味具有一種高識別度的獨特氣息,讓人未見其物但聞其香 ,而它的獨特氣味能夠驅逐蚊子、跳蚤,也正是他無形的價值。因此在這裡將無型化有形,利用風扇防護網的視覺安全感,傳達藺草最原始的無形力量。
There's a highly indentity secnt for rushes you can smell without seeing it. However,the most ingengible value is that it prevent Mosquitos  and fleas from biting with its special scent. Here we present the sense of safety by the fan safenet,in order to  transform the integible to tangible. to convey the most  origion power of rushes.



glasses case
 Lin- an all-time favorite “taste” of Taiwan you never want to miss!
    (Glasses bag made of Juncus Effusus, sounding like “Lin” in Mandarin Chinese)


文化姓氏徽章DNA系列 -1-香火傳承


據說古代人拜自己姓氏為對祖先的崇拜 !因此設計了傳達先人崇拜祖先意念的「姓氏徽章陶磚薰香爐」。 而在傳統的習俗中,供奉祖宗牌位的香爐,多數以方形為主,主要希望子孫能行為端正,所以在造型設計上以四方座椅「座的端,行的正」來表達傳承的意境。而後來文人雅士在附庸風雅之餘,也運用在生活空間中、而薰香的香爐便應運而生了。
Chinese surname’s badges Series -1- Ceramic incense burner crafted with Chinese surname 
Applying the traditional badge design and modern aesthetic viewpoint, the totem with family name in Chinese characters vividly depicts the traditional Taiwanese cultures and its modern life style.  The totem is trying to interpret the dynamic multi-cultural characteristics of Taiwan in the modern life. Underlying the totem is a renewed desire to depict the beauty of nature, and to unravel the axioms of aesthetics.

The Chinese culture worship ancestors.  Ceramic incense burner features the Chinese surname serves as an art work to worship ancestors.
 In the traditional custom, the incense burner for ancestor worship is in a square shape with the design of a square chair.  It symbolizes that the younger generations will have flat characters and will be well-behaved.  In the old days, the oil burner is for religious purpose.  In the modern days, it has been transforming to a décor serving nostalgia for classical age.  This outstanding oil burner generates an inspiring aesthetic Asian experience for you.

文化姓氏徽章DNA系列 -2- 刺

Chinese surname’s badges Series -2-Ancient business card
This special business card holder is made of bamboo. Before the invention of paper in Han Dynasty, ancient people carry bamboo crafted with their names on it to present themselves to others.  This is the earliest idea of the business card.  Made of bamboo, this unique business card holder conveys the classical meaning of business card, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought.  This item is a good way to identify yourself and your artistic sense.







Putting on the shoes with shoehorn is the last step before going out for work for the suited up white-collar workers. Work field is battlefield. The fighting sprit of Samurai lies in the Cantana shaped shoehorn. The rush-weaving handle with its distinctive character provides the humanity touch to the product.

Hold on


The evolution of grass mats
Developed Taiwan's most traditional grass mat into a sense of modern and elegant by combin with wooden bench. And with wooden bench, not only to break people rush past the "mat" the impression it back to modern life, also have good smell like memories in the summer and more comfortable sitting experience.

It's a mouse pad made by nature material.It's easy to carry with laptop. You can smell in summer breath and touch the memories, make your comfort  also remind you to take it easy.

Crack Clock
The Humid weather in Taiwan or leaking water from tube can cause the wall get sick easily. People will cure the wall’s cancer tiredly. Sometime it happened into leaking water or cracked wall. This is a no stop curing schedule. When you find a mold on the wall, don’t worry about call the some people to fix it. This design derives mold on the wall into the funny clock and table lamp. We can take another perspective to enjoy the annoying mold the wall.

A pebble shape sofa which is made by  nature's touch and ventilative Rush grass. 

藺草席一直是實用的配角,但是這個有傳統的配角, 幾乎被現代生活給遺忘了. 這設計利用藺草席和靠枕的結合創造出一個新角色,藉由後山社區編織師傅們的手工誕生出來, 稱之為靠蓆. 靠蓆在沙發上是配上手靠的好蓆子, 在椅子上是可撐腰的好坐墊, 最適合它的位置莫過於日式露台, 坐在露台邊緣靠著它, 放鬆了雙腳也放鬆了心。
Mat plus Cushion
The straw mat has been a useful supporting role, but this traditional role is almost forgotten by modern life. This design uses a combination of straw mats and cushion to create a new role, which produced by the experienced masters in Yuanli. I call this “Mat plus Cushion”. Placing on the sofa is a good mat accompanied by good hand-mat; when backing in the chair is a good cushion which can support your back; the most suitable location is in Japanese-style terrace, sitting at terrace edge against it, you can relaxed feet also relax the heart.


"The Tracks" Letter Rack
The rush slipper represents nowaday people's deep impression of the rush culture. The traditional rush slipper has trended towards today's flip-flop style. The conflicting combination of the old and new styles illustrates the trend of the time. The dotted footprints underneath the flip-flops fall on the past roads. The stories of friends and families have turned into each single postcard and letter, and become memorable remembrance and scenery on the wall. The dotted hollows tied in with the design of the fastenings allow the flip-flops to be adjusted freely according to users' favour of position, quantity and colour. By means of the traditional craftsmanship, the work not only reveals the old-time memories and the memorable scent, but the craft was also invested with a new function.


磚牆上的磚因為時間而鬆動, 產生非預期性的空間。賦予紅磚一個非預期性的空間,可放置個人物品。

Let's wave
By observing interaction of people’s behavior to mosquitoes, wave hands and stamp feet are people’s direct action to drive out mosquitoes. Integrating this action into bracelet design, the citronella oil will be successfully spread into air when people wave hands. Considering largely production increases the quantity of waste Schoenoplectus triqueter. In order to consume waste part simultaneously, it becomes filling in the bracelet for soaking up the citronella oil.

疼惜藺_ 手形草本熱敷包

疼惜藺_ 圓形草本熱敷包

多數人都有身體疼痛經驗(關節炎、生理期等),因此造成不舒服也難 以入睡。選用止痛藥只是暫時舒緩疼痛,反而給身體其他的器官帶來負擔,其實身體的疼痛是可以透過比較自然的方式來得到紓解,例如一些中藥材的功效與紅豆做 成可以利用微波爐加熱的熱敷包,搭配親膚性佳的藺草來隔絕過熱的熱敷包,是可以達到舒緩疼痛的效果。而手的造形意味著利用溫暖的手來呵護疼痛的部位。而圓 形笑臉似乎是朋友微笑的關懷。

“魚筷‧愉快”隨身筷  --概念源自莊子與惠子的"魚樂之辯",故事由莊子的「鰷魚出游從容,是魚之樂也。」開始,形容對魚的感覺,故取"魚筷"之諧音"愉快",希望使用者能"愉快用餐",創新的結構功能亦期使用者感覺更便利與人性;  "魚筷‧愉快" 為結合木材工藝、台灣藺草手工藝及工業設計的手工製環保筷,以較為溫潤柔和的木質感中和不鏽鋼的冷調,並運用魚形輪廓同時符合手握人體工學的曲線,來做為筷子握把部分,再以耐用及易於清洗的食品級不鏽鋼為接觸食物的前端部分,筷袋部分則用藺草編成魚形鑰匙圈以方便記得攜帶。




A new romantic show of the rushes
The miraculous strength of the high-heeled shoes would let a little girl become a woman and let a women own self-confident and sexy charm to show unintentionally sexy spirit within her eyes; just like the godmother of the fairy displays sorcery to weave the high-heeled shoes for Cinderella. The circle head shoes which weaved by rushes create vogue and becomes more ventilated. Kinds of the rushes chose by different colors make up the dreamlike color and luster like the romance imagines, just like an art object, color and luster make a new romantic show of the rushes.


When I see Bricks and ,Ceramic, the first image that comes to mind is a group of farmers after work, relaxing in the yard happily chatting and drinking tea.  It gives you a sense of traditional Taiwanese Culture.  Starting from this perspective, the use geometry to represent the modern concrete building, covered by bricks to show the traditional ancient Chinese designs.  When we drinking with friends, we can feel a connection with people without distance.  This is the true taste of Taiwan.






Using the rush is the basic concept of this design. By associating with the skin and the collar of the colorful shirts we can find the connection between the rush and the skin. This beautiful and practical Jewelry Hanging shows the intimacy which exists between the body and material.

The Silhouette of Birds
using lacquer to express the vivid color and elegant silhouette of native birds, the bird tilts on the stand with wind creating an ambient effect with surrounding movement.


open the windows &keep the memories in my mind.


In combination with red bricks and white pine wood layers of different materials give a simple gradual variation. As classic 3 blocks country cottages is being shaped in time, light, wind and rain. The natural wearing of exterior and colour sculpture a genuine aesthetic formation from all the surrounding natural elements.