2012年6月24日 星期日

2010 原力五十 POTENTIAL 50 / 主題說明


台灣這個移民社 會,積累了很多民眾在新建家園時與這方土地的磨合故事。這些包含了與在地風土、氣候、資源融合與抗衡的經驗,不但真實地塑造了台灣最初的城鄉面貌,也發展 出了台灣最初的經濟力。雖然這些材料、技藝隨著時代的轉變逐漸被取代,城鄉原貌也在工業化的腳步下變得模糊,但是潛藏的能量仍是當前台灣在深化文化競爭力 時可資利用的資產。


苗栗苑裡地區是台灣南北氣候交 會之處,有華陶窯這般匯聚台灣在地風土面貌的園林,也有藺編、紅磚、陶藝、木雕等富含手感之產業,加上三峽地區的藍染技藝,希望可以透過設計師的巧思,將 這些素材編織出符合自然與人文生態的生活想像。展覽產出之作品,將透過一定程序的篩選,透過現有的通路銷售。最終希望這股力量能回饋回地方,厚植台灣的在 地經濟力量。

Potential 50_The aim in revisiting local geography and history, and looking for long practiced Taiwanese crafts, is to strengthen our own identity.

Over time, a number of different peoples have arrived in Taiwan to make up its present population. As a result there are very many stories about how people have adapted to local traditions and the climate when starting their families. These experiences involve not only shaping the original landscape but forming the foundation for future economic growth. Materials and skills change over time and the local landscape is transformed by industrialization. Untapped potential, however, is our most valuable resource to deepen cultural competitiveness.

Actively participating in, and evaluating, Design Refreshment 2010 has led designers away from cities. By participating in a community's culture and industrial re-engineering designers have been drawn to the rural landscape and industrial heritage. Consequently, designers bring about design with powerfully moving stories.

Yuan-li Town of Miaoli County, between southern and northern Taiwan is where two climate zones meet. In places like Hwataoyao gardens increasingly dominate the local landscape, while there are traditional handiwork crafts such as grass-weaving, brick- and pottery-making and woodcarving. We hope that designers can make good use of these materials to reflect the local natural and cultural features. Exhibits undergo rigorous selection and are distributed through existing channels in an attempt to strengthen local economy.
