2014年7月8日 星期二

2013「點‧心設計邀請展」【寶用】/ 2013 Dian Shin Treasure Trove



2013年「點.心」以「寶用」為題,持續深耕台南。  台灣文化大多是 融於日常的生活片段,透露著鮮活的生命力 ,在理解與珍惜外,適當的轉化,妥善予以保存與運用。回歸生活最基礎的「用」,為自己找到未來更有品質的生活方式,創造出值得珍惜的永續價值,這好像也該是我們設計師對待文化創新的觀點。正如在青銅器物銘文上常見的「子子孫孫永寶用」,在叮嚀聲下透露出對當下生活的得意之情,以及幸福永續的祈願。「寶用」是我們對台南的態度與心情,也是對我們作品的永續期許。

2013 Dian Shin / Design Refreshment keeps focusing on Tainan for our third year.
The adhering theme for all participating designers is "Treasures of Tainan," showcasing practical and aesthetic design of common items for daily use. We also hopes to redefine the basic design in things that we might easily ignore or take for granted. As the phrase, "May descendants forever treasure and cherish them" expresses the hopes and bless of the ancients when it came to family heirlooms, it is also our attitude toward Tainan and our design works.

展覽時間│8/23(五)~9/22(日) 09:00-17:00

週一~週四: 10:00~20:30 週五~週日:10:00~21:00
展覽地點│花博公園 圓山爭艷館



