2012年7月20日 星期五

2009 奉茶五十 Tea Serving 50 / 主題說明

奉茶五十 /  Tea Serving 50

台灣是個「富而好禮」的社會,處處充滿人情味與善意。即使在台灣還並不富裕的年代,善意的體貼與無私的付出,就是人情之常了。 昔日路旁鄉間的「奉茶」場景雖已少見,我們卻隱約覺得這般情意仍潛藏在台灣的許多角落。 

Tea Serving 50 
Taiwan has traditionally been an affable and sociable society.  This selflessness has been ever-present within the community even when the country was still considered impoverished a few decades ago.  Back in the day people would offer strangers tea as a sign of goodwill.  Although the act of “serving tea” is rare in Taiwan today, the spirit continues to live on in many forms.

In celebration of this tradition, we have chosen “Tea Serving 50” as the theme for this year.  Over seventy designers will be invited to express this unique culture by presenting various facets of life in Taiwan.  For the individual, for the people, and for the society, we hope to continue this legacy of giving for the many generations to come.

